To this last question I answered, I do, and as soon as I said I do, God did, he filled me with the Holy Spirit in a measure that I had never experience before or after. HIS IS THE REAL THING!!
Today if you are seeking for peace and a hope that life you up above all the problems that you may be encountering, just simply stop, pause and believe that now is the time you will receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus said if you will ask the Father for the Holy Spirit, he will give it to you, you don't have to beg, you don't have to wait, it is a promise from the Father and He is ready to give it to you.
Today I sat in the midst of a group of ministers and their wives with my ears wide open and this is what I heard. In order for God to fulfill His covenant to us we have to release our all to Him. Abraham was tested again and God spoke to him and said, Abraham take Isaac your only son to a place that I will show you of and offer him for a burnt offering and without hesitation Abraham prepared for the journey and started for the place God showed him. When he arrived at the designated place Abraham prepared the after of sacrifice and bound Isaac upon the alter, took his knife and drew it back to slay his son then he heard the angel of the Lord speak from heaven, saying, do nothing to the boy for now I know thou fearest God, seeing thou has not withheld thy only son. And the angel called unto Abraham the second time and said, by myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing and has not withheld thy son, thine only son: THAT IN BLESSINGS I WILL BLESS THEE, AND IN MULTIPLYING I WILL MULTIPLY THY SEED AS THE STARS OF THE HEAVEN, AND AS THE SAND UPON THE SEA SHORE; AND THY SEED WILL POSSESS THE GATE OF HIS ENEMIES.
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